Bhue Research Report ø

Bhue Research Report ø

On the Subject of Bhue Genetic Mechanics.

March 8th, 2022
Margaret Gel

Part and parcel, I believe, of any conventional species’ survival, is the fact of reproduction. With the Anunnaki, their genetics appear to differ heavily from human norms: there is a genetic hybridization and subsequent speciation that occurs during cross-species reproduction, but this synergization of disparate genes also occurs between what some might consider to be members of the same species. With the Bhue, something similar, but ultimately rudimentary, is, and has been occurring, for at least as long as the lifespan of this universe.

In the Bhue, while hybridization, recombination, and especially mass speciation occur, a special form of genetic ‘mixing’ is also present. Perhaps owing to their ability to naturally augment other, even genetically-disparate lifeforms through Horizontal Gene Transfer, Bhue ‘genes’ are ‘archived’ linearly, from the first ancestor of the ‘original’ Bhue ‘race’, down the line through each descendant, until they are ultimately copied onto the resultant offspring’s working genetic code. The total archive of all Bhue genes rides on top of the individual lifeform’s genetic code, and can often be consciously selected from, and activated. This archive, while conferred individually, contains the same data, for every single Bhue-touched organism.

Bhue genetic memory is passed down to the individual offspring, offering a look at the thought processes, emotions, and feelings, of the ancestral organisms. These memories often extend forward, past the point of conception.

Owing both to the fact that the Bhue have been reproducing in this universe since its inception, and the fact that most acts of reproduction produce entirely separate species, often the mix of at least two different organisms, the Bhue species currently in existence are both spread out across the universe, largely without any contact with one another, and do not seem to have any real idea what the ‘original’ species even looked like.