Space Alien Research Report VII

It’s one of those things that I feared I would run into, and now I have. I published a book, and I forgot to include some incredibly-important information. So, here we go! Doing it here! (how did I forget this.)

I talked briefly (very briefly) about the Anunnaki’s language. It’s not just one: but there is a lingua franca, a sort of Galactic Common (though it is not galactic– I’m saying that to be poetic. It’s incredibly regional), at least on the ship. There are different words– different dialects– but the language that most are going to speak to you, is either going to be formatted in your native language’s subject-verb-object order (whatever that may be); or, what seems to come natural to a lot of people, Verb-Object-Subject. Languages that use this include Mayan languages; Assyrian Neo-Aramaic (I’m reading Wikipedia lel), and Austronesian languages. I’m sure that’s just a coincidence.

There are other variations. But, in general– and I didn’t even notice this, for like 70 years— they tend to speak English in a Verb-Object-Subject order. Let’s look at some sentences in this variant of ‘Broken English’.

Subject-Verb-Object: I Love You
They might say, in Verb-Object-Subject: Love You I

This was supremely confusing to me, for a long time. I assumed that it was just them not really understanding English, and forgetting the order words come in (as I thought I, too, was doing, when I’d speak back to them). Turns out we were just aping each others’ native word orders.

This became apparent when one of them said, “There are no bullets in their gun.”

At first, like I always would, I would ask them if they had misspoken. But they insisted that they had not. That’s when I realized that, in their native word order, their language’s syntax, that sentence makes perfect sense.

This has happened several times, and I never got it until now.

But that’s not all: another variation that’s allowed seems to be Object Verb Subject, which is supremely exotic to an English speaker.

Object Verb Subject languages are supremely rare, and are almost entirely spoken in South America. Which I’m sure is just another one of those coincidences.

There are like nine of them on the entire planet, by the way.

Often, when the aliens are speaking to me, I will hear sentences like: The ball kicked him. Or: The building destroyed the bomb. In English, these are “He kicked the ball”; or, “the bomb destroyed the building”. Keep in mind that this is just one of the aliens’ languages, and, though I can speak it and understand it, this is the first time I realized this. It’s been a very long time since the first time I understood it, and this is the first time this has come to me.

The problem with me studying this language— and the reason why others are going to have to continue in my stead— is because, while I know a tiny bit about Linguistics, I don’t know enough to tell you all of it. That will be for someone else to explore. Some human being.

What I can tell you, though, is that the aliens’ language, the one I know, at least, contains at least fourteen sounds that humans cannot make. This is not, ‘it’s very hard for some to do, if even understand; like clicks in some languages, or how some people don’t hear Japanese Pitch Accent or can’t do the Chinese tones’. This is, Anunnaki and human beings’ throats cannot make the same sounds. While there are some sounds that are mutually-possible for both species to make, human beings are not easily speaking the main Anunnaki language, without at least some interesting biological / surgical changes to their voiceboxes. These changes make it difficult for the human being to speak a human language, usually, so it’s not particularly advantageous a thing to do. The converse is also true: some aliens have had their voice boxes (for lack of a better term) surgically altered, in order to be able to speak human languages, particularly Celtic and Slavic languages, but also English (whatever designation that language has).

I can kind of see why I didn’t put this in the book. I don’t think it would have fit.

Oh well! Now you know! c(◕ᴗ◕✿)